Delavan Lake Water Quality Best in 20 Years

     The water quality on Delavan Lake is the best it has been in 20 years.  This is according to a preliminary report from the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
     A massive investment funded primarily by the Town of Delavan and directed by the Town of Delavan Lake Committee is chiefly responsible for the good news.  Major projects over the last six years included the dredging of the Delavan Lake Inlet, maintenance of settling ponds off of Mound Road, dredging of Browns Channel, and a phosphorus fertilizer ban.  All of these components have led to this successful lake rehabilitation.
Delavan Lake water quality is at one of the best levels in 20 years.
     According to Dale Robertson, PhD, a research hydrologist for the USGS, 2014 was one of the best water quality years for Delavan Lake since the 1990s.  Lake sampling showed lower chlorophyll, lower phosphorus and better clarity throughout the lake.  Dr. Robertson will be presenting an in-depth report at an up coming Lake Committee meeting.


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